Here’s news worth toasting to: Drinking a glass of red wine every day can help keep your brain healthy down the road for as many as seven and a half extra years, reports a new study in Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

Recent news from a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience suggests that wine is good for your brain. To me, this is not a surprise; my brain always seems to be especially perky after a glass or two of wine. But the study actually suggests that specialized training in wine might actually enhance your brain—in fact, studying wine in depth actually seems to increase the volume of the right and left entorhinal cortex, the right insula region, and in a small region in the left hippocampus known as “that funny little oval part with the bumps on it.”

The study was done, apparently, by hooking up a bunch of Master Sommeliers to MRIs and other brain-measuring widgets (hammer-and-chisel, tape measure, who knows). We are not all Master Sommeliers, it is true, but what we can learn from them (apparently) is that drinking wine and thinking about it while you do, over and over and over again, can actually make your brain bigger. While this enlargement may not necessarily help you create a disruptive technology for peeling citrus fruit that will earn you billions, it may, apparently, have some role in keeping brain degeneration at bay.
