St. James Formula Instant Oxygen Facial is here!

And it’s only $24.95.

Oxygenation has to do with breathing and blood flow.  On and in the skin, as for other tissues in the body, oxygen is essential to the health and maintenance of the cells.  Young skin gets plenty oxygen from the environment because it still works efficiently enough to process what’s on offer.  With age however, skin loses its ability to retain and utilize oxygen for normal metabolic processes.  Repair and regeneration of collagen and elastin tissue that provide the skin’s structural integrity are two of these.

What an oxygen facial treatment does is enhance the available oxygen to the skin, boosting circulation, stimulating cell turnover, and leaving the complexion hydrated, plump and revitalized.  High concentrations of oxygen also trigger the body’s own healing functions.  Furthermore, in an oxygen-rich environment, bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections simply do not survive.

By Dr. Ava Shamban

Published Jun 11, 2013
