and 92% of them never make it to the end of the year? So, I say let’s forget about resolutions and create something fun, like a game. Let’s call it: The Game of Habits.

3 Healthy Living Habits

Rules of the game: Every two weeks or so, we take on one new or not-so-new-but-forgotten habit and really turn it into a habit, like brushing-your-teeth kind of habit! The goal is to have 20 awesome healthy living habits by the end of the year! The best thing about this game is that you can’t lose. Just trying them out and giving your body the support it needs to balance and heal itself makes you a winner.

So, here we go…

Healthy Living Habit #1: Water

Every morning, right after you brush your teeth to get rid of the unwanted bacteria in your mouth, drink 16 oz of warm water with a few squirts of fresh lemon juice. The lemon water will help your body with its elimination process. After a few days, you should become much more regular. The warm water is to make sure you don’t shock your warm stomach with cool water, and the lemon juice creates an alkaline environment in your gut.
Along with this morning habit, make a commitment to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. I don’t mean any liquid, I mean water. If you drink soda or coffee, up your water intake by the number of ounces of those drinks you had, because those sugary/ caffeinated drinks dehydrate your body. As the saying goes, “Don’t medicate, hydrate!”

Here are some of the benefits of taking on this habit…

1. Weight Loss: If your body was dehydrated, it was most likely hanging on to excess water. Now that you are giving it all the water it needs, it no longer needs to hold on to it. It can let it flow through you.
2. Regular Elimination: With the Lemon Water your body now has the support it needs to push waste out of your system. If you are still not regular, consider adding foods with more fiber into your diet.
3. No More Headaches: Most headaches are caused by dehydration, so if you used to get headaches and they  disappeared, it might be because you just weren’t drinking enough water.
4. Flow: As you allow water to flow abundantly through you, you might notice a flow in your mental and emotional state of being. Ooh!

Healthy Living Habit #2: Gratitude

Every night, before you fall asleep, think of 5 things you are grateful for that day. Anything will do. The idea here is to allow good thoughts and vibrations to linger in your subconscious mind while you sleep. Magical things come from that. You might notice that you are experiencing more fun and ease in your daily life; your loved ones might seem more pleasant than usual; and you might actually sleep better. Don’t take my word for it. Just commit to it for the next two weeks and let’s see what happens.


Healthy Living Habit #3: Gorgeous Greens

If you aren’t already doing so, start adding dark leafy greens to your daily food consumption; at least 3 servings a day if you want to see amazing results.

Here’s why: Dark leafy greens are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A,C, E, and K. They are also loaded with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and lots of other micronutrients and phytochemicals.

Check out the benefits:
-Strengthened immune system
-Cancer prevention
-Liver, gall bladder and kidney detoxification
-Improved Circulation
-Promotion of intestinal flora
-Cleared congestion (reduction of mucus in lungs)
-Promotion of energy
-Blood purification
-Reduction of inflammation
-Promotion of emotional stability and creativity

Try a variety of greens: kale, napa cabbage, watercress, dandelion, bok choy, broccoli rabe, arugula, endive, mesclun and wild green, lettuce, collard greens, mustard greens, other dark leafy greens.
Try different ways of cooking them: Steaming, boiling, sautéing in oil. Cook them just for a few minutes till they become bright green. Overcooking destroys all the wonderful enzymes and depletes their nutrients.

Recipes: You can find a few leafy green recipes on my website under Recipes, and if you’d like more, please send me an email at requesting the Eight Leafy Green Recipes and I would be more than happy to share them with you.

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