If you read my site you know that I believe the only way to Ageless Beauty is via Ageless Health.
A year and a half ago I went into deep and far reaching health research because my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer that had already spread outside the prostate. The good news is that today he is cancer free. He did not do surgery, radiation, chemo or hormone therapy.
I have had so many people ask me for exactly what we did that I have decided to share it here so that anyone who wants to utilize my immune boosting tips can.
Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor. This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat, cure or diagnose. This information has not been reviewed by the FDA.
For my long time readers, you will recognize many things in this protocol because I have already written about them. For those who are new to the site I have included links.
The amounts listed are for someone who wants to recover from a chronic or serious illness. As always consult your physician or natureopath doctor before starting any of these protocols.
There was one huge, glaring, life and death situation that every single doctor, surgeon, urologist and natureopath missed.
- I believe this is the straw that broke my husband’s immune system which in turn allowed the cancer to take hold and spread. I also believe that this is the reason it took so long for him to get rid of the cancer. Once this was taken care of his body healed in just 2 months.
- My husband had a root canal that was so infected that it had eaten a hole the size of a quarter up into his sinuses and was draining infection back down into his body. The surgeon said this severe infection had been going on for at least a year or two. Keep in mind there are no nerves left after a root canal, therefore you feel no pain. So please if you have any root canals go get them checked ASAP.
- Read Is This Dental Procedure Aging You
There are many diets to follow but after much research and talking to many natureopath doctors we chose the Eat Right For Your Blood Type diet. We are both type o which needs meat. You need to research and choose a Cancer Diet that is right for you.
The diet consists of:
- NO GMOS read http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/18/gmo-foods-inflammation.aspx
- No grains
- No sugar
- No soy
- No alcohol
- No canola oil
- No processed food
- Organic vegetables
- Organic grass fed meat, lamb, chicken
- Wild Salmon
- Organic berries but no other fruits
- No peanut butter (80% of all peanut butter has fungus, even if it is organic)
- Raw walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts, macadamia and almonds
- Lots of fresh chopped herbs on everything possible
- 1/4 cup of cilantro in salads every day (cilantro is a fantastic heavy metal detoxer)
- 1″ of fresh ginger put in smoothies every day
- Grated lemon rind of 1 lemon put in smoothies every day
We also switched to Alkaline Water from Tru Alka.
- If you live in Southern California they will deliver 5 gallon jugs to your house of stable 9-10 PH water. If you live out of the state you can order their Tru Alka Pods that can turn a bottle or a 5 gallon jug into alkaline water.
- Read Drink Your Way To Good Health
Organic Sulfur (If you can only afford one protocol, this is it)
- Please read Missing Nutrient for Health and Beauty
- Please read http://www.cancertutor.com/faq_msm/
- Sulfur oxygenates the cells. Cancer can not live in an oxygenated system.
- 1 Tablespoon of organic sulfur in 8ozs of alkaline or spring water 2 – 3 times a day. You must work your way up to this amount, otherwise you can get nauseous. Start out with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day and work your way up. Prepare and drink out of glass or stainless steel.
- You MUST use 100% organic non GMO sulfur. We use H20 Air Water America’s Sulfur because it is already vetted by cancertutor.com
- Protandim is an all natural supplement based on auryevedic herbs that have been clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. Oxidative stress causes inflammation. Chronic inflammation can weaken the immune system. Protandim also causes the body to produce 300% more glutathione, the master antioxidant of the body which detoxes the cells.
- This product is sold via network marketing. You do not have become a distributor, you will never be contacted, etc. You can be a consumer like we are. You do get a price break ($40 a bottle instead of $50 )if you sign up for auto ship, which you can cancel at any time.
- To order go to www.LifeVantage.com/AgelessBeautyReport
- Read Fountain of Youth in 1 Pill
- Take 1 pill 4 – 6 times a day (start out at 1 pill 2 times a day and work up)
Lipospheric Vitamin C
- Vitamin C is considered nature’s chemotherapy. It kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
- Lipospheric Vitamin C is vitamin c that is encased in a lipid so that it can penetrate the cells.
- 4 teaspoons 3 x a day ( start at 2 teaspoons 3x a day and work up)
- We use Nutrient Tree Lipospheric Vitamin C because it is soy free.
Herbal Aloe Force
- Herbal Aloe Force will also fortify cell membranes, which will increase resistance to infection and it improves cellular metabolism which enhances energy levels.
- Herbal Aloe Force is a powerful immune booster. It attacks free radicals while oxygenating the blood, which nourishes your skin. It also kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungus.
- All of the nutrients in Herbal Aloe Force survive the digestive process and are absorbed directly into the blood. This is crucial for effectiveness. Most people do not realize the many factors that can inhibit nutritional absorption from food, i.e. aging, I.B.S. or cancer.
- You can buy Herbal Aloe Force in most Whole Foods stores, but you get a much better deal on Amazon.com
- Work up to 2 cap fulls twice a day
- Read Hollywood Hunk’s Anti Aging Secret
Bovine Colostrum
- Two health consultants in the same week told me that Colostrum is a must for anyone recovering from a serious illness. One of them is world famous Denie Hiestand.
- Most powerful instant immune boosting food on the planet. Take 1 – 3 teaspoons of the powder in the morning on an empty stomach. Mix with organic no sugar added coconut milk or organic whole fat plain yogurt.
Use Colostrum IC spray 3 – 4 times during the day. This has concentrated amounts of the immune boosting factors. - Bovine Colostrum contains over 95 Immune Factors that provide protection against bacteria, toxins, viruses, and disease.
Bovine Colostrum contains Proline-rich Polypeptide (PRP), a hormone that helps regulate the thymus gland. (over active thymus gland is linked to autoimmune diseases.)
Bovine Colostrum contains all 5 Immunoglobulins which support the immune system.
Bovine Colostrum contains Lactoferrin, shown to have antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properites with therapeutic effects on cancer, HIV, herpes, chronic fatigue syndromes, and candida.
Bovine Colostrum contains all essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and all essential glyconutrients involved in cell communication.
You must use a high quality product, otherwise you are wasting your time and money.
We use Colostrum LD powder and Colostrum IC spray from Sovereign Laboratories. - Read Forgotten Anti Aging Miracle Revealed
E 3 Live
- One of the most nutritious super foods on the planet. It is a liquid living blue green algae that is flash frozen.
- It has significantly more chlorophyl than wheat grass. Chlorophyl oxygenates the blood. Cancer can not live in an oxygenated system.
- Read E3Live Superfood of all Superfoods
- You can get E3 Live at most Whole Foods but you get it at 20% off online.
- Click here to purchase E3Live
- Work up to 1/4 cup twice a day. (start at 1 Tablespoon twice a day)
- This is a specific strain of cats claw that removes hard shell around cancer so immune system can recognize the cancer and get rid of it. Also makes chemo more effective. 2 pills 30 minutes before each meal or you can buy the drops and do 3 dropper fulls in 1/4 cup of alkaline or spring water 30 minutes before each meal.
- This was one of my most amazing discoveries. You MUST read The Samento Phenomenom
- http://www.nutramedix.com
Good Probiotic
- We use a brand called Custom Probiotic.
- Your immune system is centered in the gut, and if you have ever used anti biotics, been exposed to radiation via xrays or radiation your friendly bacteria have been eradicated, your immune system is weakened and you must replace the friendly bacteria levels. friendly bacteria is off and your immune system is weak.
- Take 1 probiotic in the morning and one at night for the first 30 days to replenish, and then after that once a day.
Black Cumin Seed Oil
- Must be cold pressed, organic, from Nigella Sativa
- We use Amazing Herbs Black Cumin Seed Oil
- Take 3 teaspoons twice a day. (start out at 1 teaspoon 3 x a day)
- Black Cumin Seed Oil boosts the immune system by 70%
- The profit Mohammad said that “Black Cumin Seed can cure everything but death itself.”
- Read Queen Nerfertiti Beauty Secret
Liquid Fish Oil
- Do not waste your time taking gel caps.
- 1 teaspoon of liquid fish oil is equal to 7 – 10 gel gaps.
- This will give you your Omega 3 essential fatty acids. In fact Denie Hiestand, world famous healer says that everything you eat needs to be able to convert into an essential fatty acid. This oxygenates the cells.
We use Carlson’s Orange Flavored Fish Oil. You can get at whole foods or order on amazon. - Take 1 -2 teaspoons in the morning and again in the evening.
Pancreatic Enzymes
- We buy from www.imupharm.com They are called Imupan.
- Take 1 with each meal, and then 3 about an hour or so after each meal, that’s 12 per day.
- Enzymes make sure that every bit of protein is digested (this is a big problem in America, we do not eat enough raw foods therefore we don’t have enough enzymes to properly digest protein and it becomes putried and can cause cancer.
- Enyzmes will also help dissolve the hard casing around the cancer cells, which in turn allows the immune system to recognize the cancer cell and kill it.
Pau D’arco Tea
- You must purchase from The Taheebo Tea Club (818) 610 8088
- http://www.taheeboteaclub.com/
- This is the only pau d’arco tea that I know is 100% pure.
- Drink 8 cups a day.
- Make with alkaline water or Spring Water. Do not make in Aluminum pot, only stainless steel. Drink from only stainless steel or glass.
- This tea is from the only tree in the world that does not get fungus, therefore this tea has something in it that gets rid of fungus.
- Many alternative doctors believe that cancer is a form of fungus.
- This tea also increases red blood cell production which in turn creates more oxygen in the blood.
- Cancer can not live in an oxygenated system.
- (this will also nourish your skin, giving you a more youthful look)
- John Hopkins and The Mayo Clinic have correlated fungus with cancer.
- Read Healing Tea Creates Youthful Skin
Dandelion Root
- This is specifically for prostate cancer.
- 1/2 teaspoon per day
- You must grind in a dedicated coffee grinder.
- You must buy dandelion root that is processed correctly
- we buy from http://www.bulkherbstore.com/Dandelion-Root-Cut_Organic
- Please read http://www.cancertutor.com/dandelionroot/
Detox a minimum of 5 days a week. You must get the toxins out to heal the body
Infrared Sauna
- Sit in 1 hour a day.
- Take a shower immediately to rinse toxins off body.
- The infrared penetrates the body and has the same effect a fever does. A fever will kill cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Many hospitals use this for cancer treatment. After much research I bought one from
- West Coast Saunas.com
- has a life time warranty.
- If you decide to get another brand, just compare to this one so that it has the same elements.
Bio Mat
- You can put on your bed or couch. It will heat up your body and induce a fever. Fever kills cancer cells. It also emits negative ions, which are like antioxidants in the air….when you go to the ocean or walk in the sand or the forest you are getting negative ions. A bio mat’s infrared will penetrate deeper into the body than an infrared sauna.
- For more info read :http://drsircus.com/medicine/light-heat/biomat-thermotherapy-medicine-overview
- If you are interested in one let me know, I can put you in touch with a knowledgable distributor.
If you choose not to get a sauna or Bio Mat you can do Epsom Salt Baths to detox. Pour 4 cups into tub as hot and deep as you can. Before you get in, brush your skin with a dry brush in strokes going towards the heart, paying special attention to the lymph areas behind the knees, at the groin, arm pits and neck. This stimulates the lymphatic sytsem to release toxins….you then sit in the hot Epsom tub for 20 – 30 minutes…then take a shower to rinse all the toxins a way.
Electrically Tuned Rebounder
Jumping or rebounding is the only exercise that stimulates your entire lymphatic system to release toxins. All the alternative doctors recommend you jump for 20 minutes twice a day. (doing it right before the Epsom salt bath, or Infrared Sauna or Bio Matt is fantastic)
The absolute best one to get is the Electrically Tuned Rebounder
Consult first with your doctor. Everyone’s needs are different. You can not possibly know what your body is deficient in until you get blood work done to get all your nutritional levels and hormone levels tested. I have been told that most cancer patients are deficient in Vitamin D, have adrenal and thyroid issues as well as other hormone imbalances.
- Tumeric
- Milk Thistle
- Carlson E-Gems Elite
- Carlsons E-Gems Plus
- Carlson Tocotrienols
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Modified Citrus Pectin
- Vitamin D 3
- Phosadyl
- Cancertutor.com This is has been my #1 resource
- Mercola.com
- Edenprescription.com
- Naturalnews.com
- Books
- Outsmart Your Cancer 2nd edition by Tanya Harter Pierce
- Dr. Sherry Rogers Total Wellness Newsletter
My biggest advice. Take 100% responsibility for your health. You must do your own research. Please do not take my word, verify, research, dig deep and then make your own educated decisions.
Monitor your progress regularly, every 1, 2 or 3 months. If the protocols are not working, look for something stronger or different, and by all means consult a professional.
Keep in mind that it takes years for cancer to develop and it takes years to completely heal the body. This is the biggest mistake most people make. Once they are cured they go back to the lifestyle’s that created the cancer in the first place and then the cancer comes back.
Health is everything, without it nothing else matters. Please feel free to share this info with anyone who is looking to get well. No matter what cancer curing protocol or treatment plan you are on, boosting the immune system always makes a huge difference.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave in the comment section below.
Please know that I share this information in the hopes that you will not only know that it is possible to heal the body without harming it, but that you will not have to spend as much time gathering this powerful information as I did.

Helping you become the ageless beauty you were born to be. www.theagelaessbeautyreporty.com