Jessica Ortner, author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence, has discovered that her technique for coping with stress also has another positive effect on the body – it promotes weight loss.

Jessica explained that weight loss often begins with taking a step back and re-evaluating your relationship with your body, exercise and food. Jessica, who used to struggle with her weight, admitted that she had an unhealthy relationship with her body prior to discovering “tapping.”

To “tap,” you gently press nine acupressure points on the body—beginning with the side of the hand, then moving to the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, the chin, collarbone, under the armpit and ending with the top of the head—as you repeat a “setup statement” which vocalizes your emotional and physical stress.


“I used to think of exercise as punishment,” she said. “I’d look at people in the gym in great shape and wonder why they were even there.”

Once she began to “tap” on her stress and better understand her relationship with food and exercise, she was able to have a breakthrough and achieve results.

To confront weight and body issues, Jessica recommends starting with “tapping” for just five to ten minutes in the morning, focusing on your weight loss goals, to get in the proper state of mind for the day.

“Sometimes, weight is a symptom of other things. Being able to work on the stress by ‘tapping’ in the morning is a great starting point,” she said.

“Speak your mind about how you feel to begin the flow of releasing the stress.”

Here is her site, check it out