What is it to be a fit woman?

Depends on whom you ask.
Depends on where you look.
Depends on what you read.

If you were to ask the modern media and then look at their images and read their words, being fit would fit into the following mold for women.
-Flat belly, sculpted abs – 0k, I could stop here, but I’ll go on.
-Chiseled arms
-Enhanced breasts
-Slender boy hips
-Long, lean, spray tanned, cellulite free thighs

Being fit is an image to the media. That’s because the media is image driven. It sells magazines and products through fear and hope by promoting pretty, young, slender models as the model of fitness. Have you ever seen a picture of a female Olympic weightlifter on a magazine cover promoting being healthy and fit? Probably not.

What if being fit related to what you can do?
-Can you power walk a 12-minute mile?
-Can you run up 10 flights of stairs without collapsing?
-Can you perform 20 military style push-ups with good form?
-Can you easily hoist your overstuffed carry-on into the bin on an airplane and then help others with their luggage?
-Can you get on the floor and play with your kids and/or grandkids without causing a muscle spasm and then get up again with ease?
-Can you wake up in the morning, spry and ready to go, instead of stiff and sore?

These are just some examples of what being fit could be for you.

Try living your life being fit according to what you can do physically instead of trying to look like the media’s one-dimensional take on the subject. Enjoy and enhance what is best about you by committing to a great workout program that inspires you to be strong and independent. This will give you an objective marker to aim for instead of a subjective marker that never gets achieved by looking in the mirror comparing yourself to an insane fantasy of what it is to be a fit woman.

Do fit instead of look fit. That’s today’s fit tip.

Deborah Brooks, CSCS
Everfit body

NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
UCLA Certified Fitness Instructor

  • Precision Nutrition Coach